The Types Of Roller Coasters


Classic roller coasters were the first ones invented, like the one LaMarcus Adna Thompson patented.  The classic roller coaster starts with a big hill at the start of the ride.  This is the highest the roller coaster will be in the entire ride.  From here, the train goes down, around, and up and down, getting lower to the ground with each move.

The physics involved with classic roller coasters is very simple.The car is pulled to the top of the first hill by machines, but after that the train must finish the ride on its own. The coaster doesn't do any work after this.  The conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy is what moves the roller coaster, and all of the kinetic energy you need for the ride is present once the coaster descends from the first hill.  Once you've began, different types of wheels help keep the ride smooth. Running wheels guide the coaster on the track, and friction wheels control lateral motion.  A final set of wheels keeps the coaster on the track even if it's inverted. Compressed air brakes stop the car as the ride ends.
This site has an amazing game on roller coasters, that also tells you how much potencial energy and kinetic energy the roller coaster has as it progresses.
The link below is an article about roller coasters.